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New PSPushover PowerShell Module

Back in 2021 I wrote a module called Poshover for sending push notifications with This week I decided to use that module as a reference during my PowerShell + DevOps Summit workshop in a few weeks. I never liked the name, so I renamed it to PSPushover and set it up in a new repository.

PSPushover example notification

The module itself is pretty fun - there's a lot of reasons you might want to use push notifications, especially if you maintain a home lab like I do. I use them to see when backup operations begin and end (or fail 😱), when my container host restarts, and when CrowdSec detects and blocks an external IP for suspicious or malicious activity.

I think I enjoyed the process of setting up the repository more than the module itself. I plan to use it as an example of how you might automate the process of generating and updating documentation for your PowerShell modules, as well as how you can use MkDocs to generate a static website from your docs, and finally how you can automatically generate and host those docs with GitHub Pages. In this post though, I want to share some of the features of the repo and the tools used along the way. Check out the related links in the side bar to a bunch of the modules/utilities mentioned below.



The scaffolding for the repo was done using Brandon Olin's Stucco module which has been my favorite way to start a new PowerShell module project for a while. It's not updated frequently and there are some issues I've run into in the past with some of the dependencies including RamblingCookieMonster's BuildHelpers and Brandon's PowerShellBuild module, but it gets me up and running fast and I'm pleased as punch with 90+% of Brandon's "opinionated Plaster template for building high-quality PowerShell modules".

DevContainer / Codespace

The Stucco plaster template includes a starter devcontainer, but since I want to use the devcontainer as a tool to build and serve an MkDocs site for local documentation previews, I changed the Dockerfile to use squidfunk/mkdocs-material:latest as a base image, and updated the file to install PowerShell 7 and setup a non-root user. And because I typically use a Windows laptop at home, I made some tweaks to devcontainer.json to handle some filesystem permission issues as well as to "bootstrap" the devcontainer on startup so that all the PowerShell and python dependencies are available.

Automated versioning with Nerdbank.GitVersioning

Nerdbank.GitVersioning GitHub Readme

There are lots of ways to handle versioning. I've never looked into a strategy for automating the major/minor version numbers - that doesn't seem smart or easy to do while maintaining SemVer versioning. But I've done "patch" version updates in a few different ways in the past:

  • Manually bumping the version before (or immediately after) releasing.
    • I don't like having to do a git commit to bump the version after every single release.
  • Using a version based on the time elapsed since the unix epoch.
    • This isn't bad but if you use days-since-epoch you can't easily release twice in a day if you need to. And the patch number can get pretty long.
  • Checking the latest version on PSGallery and incrementing it by one.
    • This is a great option. It puts a dependency on being able to reach PSGallery, but it has pretty good uptime and if you're publishing to the gallery anyway, your publish step will fail during an outage anyway.

My favorite method now is to use the Nerdbank.GitVersioning CLI tool, nbgv, with a version.json file at the root of the project to describe the version schema. The advantage here over the previous strategies I've used is that the module version can be easily connected to the associated git commit.

Here's how it works with the PSPushover module right now:

  1. The version.json file provides the major/minor version numbers. The number in the module manifest is irrelevant as it will be updated as a part of the build.
  2. In psakeFile.ps1, I set the module version to use for the "compiled" module by running nbgv get-version and grabbing the SimpleVersion value.
  3. When it's time to bump the major or minor version, I'll update the version.json file. Until then, the versioning takes care of itself.

Automated publishing on v* tags

When a tag like "v0.1.x" is created on the main branch, a workflow runs like it does on any other commit or pull request. If the workflow succeeds in building and testing the module on Linux, macOS and Windows, a separate Publish.yml workflow runs a publish job if, and only if the previous workflow succeeded, and if github.event.workflow_run.head_branch starts with "v".


While the building and publishing workflows run relatively quickly on this small module, I added some caching using actions/cache and Chrissy LeMaire's potatoqualitee/psmodulecache GitHub Action. All in all, the caches I setup are helping with the python pip cache, the PowerShell module dependencies, and the squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker image which is used for building and pushing the docs site to GitHub Pages.

GitHub Actions Caches

The psmodulecache GitHub Action is pretty great, but one thing it didn't allow me to do (yet) was reference my existing PSDepend requirements.psd1 file, and I didn't want to declare my PowerShell module dependencies in multiple places. So my workaround was to run a step just before psmodulecache which reads the existing requirements.psd1 file, grabs the PowerShell module names and versions, and formats them the way psmodulecache expects them, then writes them to GITHUB_OUTPUT. Then in my modules-to-cache input for psmodulecache I reference the output from the previous step instead of hard-coding dependency names/versions in my workflow files.

There was one last "gotcha" I ran into with caching PowerShell modules in my GitHub Actions and that was the "key" used to identify the cache. The key Chrissy uses is based on the OS, the shell, and then a concatenated list of the dependencies declared in modules-to-cache. Instead of each consecutive build re-using the existing caches, they were generating new caches each time because the module names were in different orders each time. When I realized it's because of the fact that the [hashtable] object uses unordered keys, I updated the workflows to sort the modules before joining them into a comma-separated list and writing them to GITHUB_OUTPUT.

Automated documentation

Okay it's not completely automated. While I could plug OpenAI into the pipeline to generate some help text for PowerShell commands to use in place of the stubs created by PlatyPS, I haven't done it yet. However, there's a Docs build step in the PowerShellBuild module which is using PlatyPS to create and/or update markdown files for all public cmdlets in the module. All I had to do was fill in the placeholder values for synopsis, descriptions, and examples.

I updated the mkdocs.yml file to use the Material for MkDocs theme, made a home page, and added "online version" values to the frontmatter for each cmdlet so that you can run Get-Help Send-Pushover -Online in PowerShell to launch a browser to the associated online help.

There's a dedicated Docs.yml workflow that runs whenever there's a push to the main branch with a change to anything under docs/, to mkdocs.yml, or to the Docs.yml workflow itself. Then there's also a workflow_dispatch trigger so that I can update the docs manually if at any time I need to. Limiting the scope of files that can trigger an automatic workflow run helps prevent unnecessary jobs from burning up time on GitHub's runners.

Pushover notification demo

Finally, I had the idea to allow people to subscribe to Pushover notifications sent when someone "stars" the GitHub repo as a way to see what the notifications look like without creating their own "application" in their Pushover dashboard and running the Send-Pushover cmdlet themselves.

PSPushover example notification

The NotifyOnStarred.yml workflow is triggered on GitHub's watch event - that's the name of the event that fires when someone stars a repo. Then the version of PSPushover currently on the main branch is imported, and app/user tokens are read from GitHub Action secrets, and a notification is sent to a dynamic Pushover distribution group.

If you subscribe to PSPushover notifications you can securely join the distribution group without exposing your real Pushover user token, or even having to know what a token is. You can then star the repo, and in ~15 seconds you'll get a cute little push notification (and so will I!). Then of course you can unsubscribe because who wants extraneous notifications, right?
