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Compare images with PerceptHash

Using the PerceptHash module on Windows, linux, or macOS, you can generate "perceptual hashes" with the Get-PerceptHash command which is designed to look and feel similar to the Get-FileHash cmdlet.

$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:8000/assets/images/photo3.jpg -outfile ./photo3.jpg
Get-PerceptHash ./photo3.jpg


Algorithm Hash             Path
--------- ----             ----
    dhash C0600030F8BD3D7C C:\temp\photo3.jpg



Install-Module PerceptHash


Use the Get-PerceptHash cmdlet with the path to an image file with a common extension like .jpg, or .png, and a PerceptHash object with the algorithm name, hash, and file path is returned.

Get-PerceptHash ./images/*.jpg

When you have two or more images, you can generate perceptual hashes for all of them, then use the Compare-PerceptHash cmdlet to calculate the binary hamming distance between two perceptual hashes.

$hash1 = Get-PerceptHash photo1.jpg
$hash2 = Get-PerceptHash photo2.jpg
Compare-PerceptHash $hash1 $hash2


Each hash represents 64 segments of an image, each represented as a single bit. The 64bit hashes are compared using Compare-PerceptHash, and a number between 0 and 64 is returned. This number represents how many bits are different between the two hashes.

A value of 10 or under is usually a good indication that the two images are similar. Values closer to zero are more similar. Likewise, a value greater than 10 indicates that the two images are probably dissimilar.

This algorithm is far from perfect considering the hashes are created by distilling the source file down to a 9x8 grayscale image, however the algorithm works well when used to simply bring similar images to your attention.

The algorithm

I hear and use the word "hash" on a regular basis, and have used all kinds of cryptographic hashes over the years including md5, bcrypt, and the various sha's. But these are fundamentally different algorithms with almost polar opposite goals. The kind of hashs I was familar with were designed to produce wildly different results from two sets of data if even a single bit was different between them. The resulting hashes were either the same, indicating that the inputs were very likely the same (collisions happen, but they're hard to find), or they were different, indicating that the inputs were definitely different. There should be no way to measure how similar two inputs are based on their SHA hashes. If you could, the algorithm would be too weak to use for any kind of security or privacy on the web.

In contrast, a perceptual hash like dHash will, by design, produce the same or similar hash when given two images that are nearly identical. And since each bit in the 64bit hash represents a part of the image, you can calculate the hamming distance between two hashes to determine how many of the 64bits in the two hashes are different. Fewer differences indicate a higher likelihood that the hashes are from the same or similar images.

Here's a quick summary of the dHash algorithm:

  1. Reduce the size to 9x8 pixels. Don't worry about the original image size or aspect ratio.
  2. Convert to grayscale because we only care about the "brightness" of each pixel.
  3. Compare each pixel's brightness to the neighbor on the right. This is why the image is resized to 9x8 - we need 8 bits per row.
  4. Assign a bit value of "1" if the current pixel is brighter than the neighbor on the right.

You will end up with one byte per row, and 8 rows, for a total of 64 bits. Convert the array of bytes to a hexadecimal string and you have your dHash.


Nearly identical

These photos of my daughter at the river are nearly identical to the untrained eye, but the raw files are very different. In the following table you'll find a side-by-side comparison of what appears to be the same image, and their dHashes along with a SHA1. For fun, you'll also find the 9x8 grayscale versions from which the dHashes were derived.

The hamming distance between the dHash values from these images is 2, which means two out of the 64 bits of the hash were different, so as you would expect, the hash comparison shows that the images have a strong visual similarity.

Photo 1 Photo 2
Photo 1 Photo 2
dHash 1 dHash 2
dHash: 83AD9B9CEC762888 dHash: 83A99B9CEC762898
SHA1: 80187EB0E86F2FCDE82E60D7CD53BB0B1B1FF686 SHA1: 5BC13493BB94536C3EAE794A924C1D9A00D207D6
$hash1 = Get-PerceptHash photo1.jpg
$hash2 = Get-PerceptHash photo2.jpg
Compare-PerceptHash $hash1 $hash2

Image filter applied

In this next example, the first image is the original and the second has been "color enhanced". We can see that the images are definitely different, but we can also see that they're most likely the same image with different colors. When we compare the dHashes, we get a difference of 6. Since that is still well under 10, we can be fairly confident that the images are similar.

Photo 3 Photo 4
Photo 3 Photo 4
dHash 3 dHash 4
dHash: 60606040587c5c7c dHash: 60606040d87c5d7c
SHA1: BDE8B4AB0DC4E28D4DA72A982E4B99159E72EA9C SHA1: C624DC07813ABBC07E286665AF7A41941F19F9AF
Get-PerceptHash photo3.jpg | Compare-PerceptHash -DifferenceHash 60606040d87c5d7c

Very different cats

Okay in this last example, just to demonstrate that the algorithm doesn't consider all images similar, here are two very different cats because... internet. The dHash comparison returns a value of 24.

Photo 5 Photo 6
Photo 5 Photo 6
dHash 5 dHash 6
dHash: 9CDCF8CC6C37762E dHash: 9C8878D1ABC6EC7E
SHA1: 51E2DFE65974C86740C314E7883D22C163D3EA1B SHA1: A58DBDAA875B5FC311BBB35A74748E68550CFC12
$hashes = Get-ChildItem *.jpg | Where-Object BaseName -match 'photo[56]'
Compare-PerceptHash -ReferenceHash $hashes[0] -DifferenceHash $hashes[1]